Monday, February 29, 2016

Bible Prophecy And Today's News

Greetings to you all, in Jesus' name, and welcome to my new blog!

I suppose this is the culmination of many events which have transpired throughout my life. I was the child prodigy of the late Reverend Geoff Lichtensher when I was 13, and somehow never looked back when it came to the Lord's calling in my life. I attended and graduated North Central Bible College (now called North Central University) back in 1992. I was a pastor for 15 years before taking a long sabbatical for health reasons. Now I'm in my late 40's, so it's been nearly 35 years now that I've been a serious student of the Bible, and specifically Bible prophecy. So much has happened over that time span.

And so many people are downright clueless!

Remember Hal Lindsey? Author of 'The Late, Great Planet Earth'? Well, I received my first copy of that book back in 1982, and I've gotten different editions of that book every five years or so ever since. You wouldn't believe the changes Lindsey has made to his predictions over the years! He's had to revise his predictions so frequently that it's quite clear to me (and should be also, to even a casual observer), that he had no idea what on earth he was talking about. And other so-called Bible prophecy "experts" were equally adrift, basically mimicking Lindsey almost to the letter.

How could these "experts" be so wrong, and sell so many books, at the same time?

Well, I think people are entranced by anything which states how confidently it knows the future. We all speculate about the future, and any predictive ability brings with it the potential for great power. It's a sexy topic! Just look at astrology! It predicts nothing, and has a zero percent success rate at actual forecasting. Yet millions of suckers read their horoscopes hoping to find insight into the mystery of what is to come - even though their astrology "prediction" is nothing more than a vague recommendation which could apply to anyone, saying nothing about future events. If that's what bunkum astrology is capable of, just imagine what a purported scripture-prophet can do! Even if that "prophet" is full of it! This explains Lindsey's success.

And it will explain my own. I intend to make zero dollars from the revelations of the Bible I will share with you. If I am wrong, I will fold this blog and bow out, as any false prophet should. But I firmly believe that the Lord has revealed his prophetic scriptures to me. You will see for yourself that the Bible is true, and what the Lord is about to bring forth in the coming years.

I hope many of you will join me on this journey, as I give to you what the Lord has so generously shared with me.

Thank you, and God bless!

John Daniel


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